MUST SEE: He Punches His Pregnant Girlfriend in the Stomach in Public - See What Happens Next

What would you do if you saw a couple having an argument and the man punches the pregnant woman in the stomach? Would you intervene? Call the police? Try to break up the fight? It would certainly be a shocking experience!

This couple are actors and they were doing a social experiment in order to see how the public would react to such an incident. They got quite a shocking reaction! Many people think they went too far - what do you think? 

The actor, Nathan Brown, starts by belittling his girlfriend in public - accusing her of sleeping with someone else and calling her an idiot.

The actor, Nathan Brown, starts by belittling his girlfriend in public - accusing her of sleeping with someone else and calling her an idiot.

They take the argument outside, where it becomes a major domestic dispute.

They take the argument outside, where it becomes a major domestic dispute.

To the shock of all the people passing by, he punches her in the stomach even though she is obviously pregnant.

To the shock of all the people passing by, he punches her in the stomach even though she is obviously pregnant.

Although some people were walking by and ignoring the argument, as soon as this happens people start to react. They take her inside to the restaurant to keep her safe.

Although some people were walking by and ignoring the argument, as soon as this happens people start to react. They take her inside to the restaurant to keep her safe.

The couple finally reveal to the public that it is all fake. Many people weren't amused.

Many Facebook users condemned the filmmakers - saying that they went too far.

Many Facebook users condemned the filmmakers - saying that they went too far.

However, the actors defend themselves by saying that they are trying to raise awareness about domestic violence and encourage people to step in.
However, the actors defend themselves by saying that they are trying to raise awareness about domestic violence and encourage people to step in.

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MUST SEE: He Punches His Pregnant Girlfriend in the Stomach in Public - See What Happens Next MUST SEE: He Punches His Pregnant Girlfriend in the Stomach in Public - See What Happens Next Reviewed by Nai on 5:06 AM Rating: 5

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