MUST WATCH: Mom Ignores Door In Yard For 10 Years, Then Discovers THIS SHOCKING!

When Ken and Carol Zwick moved into their new home in Neenah, WI, they noticed a peculiar set of metal doors in the ground of their backyard. After a small amount of research, the Zwicks discovered the property had been equipped with an 80-square-foot bomb shelter! Neither Ken nor Carol were very interested in exploring the shelter, which was relatively ignored until ten years later when curiosity finally got the best of them. They approached the doors, pried them open, and found something you will never believe!

What the Zwicks assumed to be mere empty space, turned out to be one giant time capsule! The 80­
sqaure­foot shelter had been equipped with everything one might expect to find in a 1960’s fallout
shelter. Food, clothing, medical supplies, tools, flashlights, batteries and other survival items were in
near perfect condition; enough to survive for two whole weeks!


The Zwicks even discovered classic candies found nowhere else in the country. The Zwick family
decided to donate the vintage goods to the Neenah Historical Society (NHS). The NHS appreciated
the Zwick’s donation, stating, “It will really give people a sense of what it was like to live in 1960, to
feel like they’re in their living room, and suddenly they need to go to their fallout shelter.”


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MUST WATCH: Mom Ignores Door In Yard For 10 Years, Then Discovers THIS SHOCKING! MUST WATCH: Mom Ignores Door In Yard For 10 Years, Then Discovers THIS SHOCKING! Reviewed by Nai on 1:31 PM Rating: 5

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