Remember the 'Human Barbie?' You'll never guess what she looks like now
Remember the "Human Barbie?" You'll never guess what she looks like now
This woman became famous after undergoing plastic surgery to make herself look like barbie dolls.She used to believe that she could get all the nutrients she needed from breathing - but she's made some major life changes and now she's eating and working out.
You'll never guess what she looks like now...
Before she was weird looking. Now she's actually pretty hot. She's got some weight on her bones and now she looks doable.
She Started Working Out And Eating Well
Now the human barbie has started eating well and working out a lot. The result is stunning.
She Has Pursued Her Dream Of Being A Singer
She says she hopes the music will help people to relax and enjoy life.
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Remember the 'Human Barbie?' You'll never guess what she looks like now
Reviewed by Nai
6:36 PM
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