Today video in Saudia one-month-old baby ..Syrian mom complained to saudia police that her husband lives in Makkah city always torture her baby and sometimes mix pepsi in milk in her bottle and takes video and send her daily ..she been separated from husband and the husband has took the baby from her and kept with him for torturing the baby .. She wants her baby to be back to her from her husband
ام تريد بنتها بحضنها خلال الساعات الماضية مقاطع فيديو تظهر تعذيب رضيعة؛ متهمة والدها الذي يسكن في مكة المكرّمة، حسب دعواها.
وقالت المغردة انها(سورية الجنسية) والاب (سعودي)، وانه تولى حضانة الطفلة وعمرها شهر واحد، وبدا في تعذيبها وتهديد والدتها بالمقاطع.
Saif Bilal
Source: newsinfoph
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