WATCH: At First I Thought He's Strolling With His Dogs But A Closer Look Will Shock You

People walk their dogs on the streets all the time, but then there are some kind of people who do it in a manner that quite catches your eye, and then there is this guy named Augusto Deoliveira who walks with his dog in a manner that has caught the internet's eye too!

This guy owns a pack of German Shepherd dogs

This guy owns a pack of German Shepherd dogs

Walking all dogs on the street together may not be shocking.
Walking all dogs on the street together may not be shocking.

But the way this guy walks them is shocking.

But the way this guy walks them is shocking.

There's almost a mysterious air about him and his dogs.

There's almost a mysterious air about him and his dogs.

All of the dogs seem to huddle up around him while walking.

All of the dogs seem to huddle up around him while walking.

Is it the way he has trained them or his protective aura that makes the dogs huddle like that?

Is it the way he has trained them or his protective aura that makes the dogs huddle like that?

Needless to say he is quite a sight for people when he is walking the dogs.

Needless to say he is quite a sight for people when he is walking the dogs.

And the hounds seem to be in perfect harmony - another surprise!

And the hounds seem to be in perfect harmony - another surprise!

Here is a video of Augusto Deoliveira with his pack

Shocking, The video has scored more than 16 million views on youtube.

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WATCH: At First I Thought He's Strolling With His Dogs But A Closer Look Will Shock You WATCH: At First I Thought He's Strolling With His Dogs But A Closer Look Will Shock You Reviewed by Nai on 4:24 AM Rating: 5

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