SHOCKING: Mom’s Pregnancy Test Is Positive, But Doctors See Something Horrifying In Ultrasound..

This husband and wife already had a son but were so excited when they found out they were expecting again! Early in the pregnancy the mom started feeling sick, which scared her because she hadn’t experienced those symptoms in her first pregnancy.

Resulta ng larawan para sa pregnancy test positive

When the couple went for their 11 week ultrasound doctors had some bad news for the family. They said that there was no baby, but that her womb was filled with tumors.

The doctors referred to this as a “molar pregnancy” and she now had to undergo surgery.

There was a chance that she would have to undergo a full hysterectomy to remove the tumors, but luckily the doctors were able to remove the tumors without taking out any of her reproductive organs.

Even though they didn’t get to welcome a new baby into the world, the family says they are grateful for a healthy mom, dad and little boy!

                                                                    source: jesus daily

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SHOCKING: Mom’s Pregnancy Test Is Positive, But Doctors See Something Horrifying In Ultrasound.. SHOCKING: Mom’s Pregnancy Test Is Positive, But Doctors See Something Horrifying In Ultrasound.. Reviewed by Nai on 9:15 PM Rating: 5

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