Reason Why You Should Have S3x With Your Girlfriend Immediately She Wakes Up!

The University of Texas has just completed a study. The results will help you turn on your woman.

The study found that women are turned on by men with masculine features, but not too masculine. Think stubble.

Each girl is different in terms of when she’s most turned on and ready for sex. Watch your girl and try to figure the time of day when she’s most energetic and happy.

The study has proven that the way a guy smells is much more important to women than how sexually attracted they are to them. It’s all because of pheromones.

When trying to get a girl aroused, what a guy says is more important than the physical actions he does. That’s what this study found.

The study also found that women prefer guys with opposite genes to them. Offspring with higher genetic variation has a healthier immune system.

The study found that girls are more aroused if they have to compete with other girls for the guy they want. They all compete for who gets to go home with the hottest girl, for example.

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Reason Why You Should Have S3x With Your Girlfriend Immediately She Wakes Up! Reason Why You Should Have S3x With Your Girlfriend Immediately She Wakes Up! Reviewed by Nai on 10:56 PM Rating: 5

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