Baby Stabbed 90 Times By Mom While Breastfeeding.

Baby Stabbed 90 Times By Mom Whilst Breastfeeding.

This eight-month-old was expecting, love, kindness, and tenderness from his mother, but what he got was something a whole lot worse.

It happened on July 6, 2013, and he was simply breastfeeding, as most babies do. Another thing that infants do during this mother and child bonding moment is to bite on the nipple... hard. But apparently this set the mother off in the worst way possible.

Xiao Bao, the baby was stabbed 90 times with a pair of scissors, and his mother was the one responsible.

His uncle found him bleeding in the backyard and rushed him to the hospital in Eastern China to get medical treatment right away. Fortunately, doctors managed to stabilize his condition.
However, the baby wound up receiving 120 stitches throughout his face, hands and legs.

Fortunately, doctors claimed that the baby may not develop any scars at all from the grueling experience because he's young, and so is his skin tissue. But even at such a tender age, some psychological scars can't be stitched up.

Even after he was stitched up, you can tell that the child was visibly in pain from the ordeal.

But as Xiao Bao was struggling to come to terms with his mother's vicious attack, angry neighbors asked authorities to keep the baby away from the mother, no matter what.

Unfortunately, authorities didn't adhere to their requests, but they didn't exactly return the baby to the mothers tender loving care.

Xiao Bao was placed into the custody of his uncles, who live in Xuzhou in eastern China's Jiangsu Province, and make a living out of selling recyclables.

So why would authorities even consider exposing the child to the potentially harmful presence of the mother?

Well, according to authorities, the mother was checked for signs that she might have been suffering from a mental illness, but found none. So they refused to take the baby away from her. Unfortunately, mental illness remains a touchy subject in China. So psychiatric treatments and medication are rarely used in this region.

It's unfortunate that approximately 91 percent of patients with mental health issues never receive professional help in China.

Judging from photos that show the baby covered in stitches on his face, feet, and legs, while looking off into the distance, it's clear that the damage caused by his mother will continue to haunt him throughout most of his life.

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Baby Stabbed 90 Times By Mom While Breastfeeding. Baby Stabbed 90 Times By Mom While Breastfeeding. Reviewed by Nai on 3:41 AM Rating: 5

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