WATCH:Youtube Prankster Put Two Huge Pythons on His Sleeping Girlfriend

Girls, how would you feel if you wake up one morning with two big pythons crawling on your
body? Also, how would you feel if you discover it’s all your boyfriend’s idea for a YouTube
prank? We imagine you wouldn’t be very pleased. 

This is what Derek Deso’s girlfriend recently experienced. In a video uploaded on his YouTube channel, the prankster obviously went too far as he dumped two massive snakes on his sleeping girlfriend. 

He sneaked into her room with two camera men and a snake handler to do the prank.
He then woke her up saying “Baby, don’t move – there’s two ginormous snakes on your butt!”

She immediately began crying in terror and repeatedly asked that they remove the serpents
off her but the men just watched and laughed the entire time. At one point, he even told her
“He’s angry! He’s going up your butt!”



                                                                            SOURCE: youtube

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WATCH:Youtube Prankster Put Two Huge Pythons on His Sleeping Girlfriend WATCH:Youtube Prankster Put Two Huge Pythons on His Sleeping Girlfriend Reviewed by Nai on 7:38 AM Rating: 5

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